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Hi, Iā€™m Jenny.

I help founders and entrepreneurs
create and deliver aĀ pitchĀ that
delivers result.

My Founding Story

Over the past decade, I've helped thousands of startup entrepreneurs successfully pitch to investors and raise millions in capital.


But I soon realized I could only do so much. It was frustratingā€”I wanted to help more entrepreneurs change the world, but I lacked the time and capacity to reach everyone.


So, I re-invented my coaching business to scale my impact and support even more founders in their pursuit of capital and greatness.


Today, my offerings have expanded to include a weekly newsletter, hands-on workshops, and comprehensive digital coursesā€”designed to better serve you and your ambitions.


When I'm not building my business, I'm angel investing, mentoring the next generation of entrepreneurs, or spending time with my partner and our twins.

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Subscribe to my newsletter and receive exclusive tips, strategies and resources to craft, develop, and perfect your pitch.

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